Hurricane 'WEEKLY' Newsletter for November 20th - 24th, 2023

Happy Friday you A-M-A-Z-I-N-G Hurricanes,
Please find attached, our Hurricane 'WEEKLY' Newsletter for November 20th - 24th, 2023.
A reminder that next Friday, November 24th is a PD Day for all Elementary and Secondary students in Wellington Catholic.  Staff will be engaged in Spiritual Development activities.
Also, don't forget to wear PINK on Thursday, November 23rd as part of our Bullying Prevention and Awareness Week, a.k.a., "Kindness Matters Week!"  We will also be celebrating mass as a school community, with Father Valentine.  Thank you to Mr. Baldassarro and Mrs. LaPlaunte's Grade 6s, for leading this faith celebration.  Kindness Week kicks off on Monday, November 20th, when Michael Jacques and his father Marcel visiting H.T. to speak to our entire student body about BELIEVING, BELONGING and BEING EXTRAORDINARY.  It's not an act or a show, it's Michael's real-lived experience and how he overcame challenges with support from a community, to become the beautiful human-being God created him to be.  It truly is A STORY-TO-BE-SHARED!  Parents are invited to come hear Michael's story at 6:30pm in the evening, in our beautiful Faith Ctr.  ***See attached poster for details.  You don't want to miss this...
Thanks again for everyone's visit last night at our Parent-Teacher Interviews and hopefully, all of you have had an opportunity to review your child's(children's) Progress Report that were distributed on Tuesday, November 14th.  Remember to focus on the "Learning Skills" rather than grades, and always STRENGTHS over 'deficits'.  As we shared with the students, we challenge students to be more aware of their strengths, needs and challenges - and to try taking some ownership of their learning next term by setting some of their own personal goals.  With that said, it's important that we continually validate and affirm their strengths and good works, because if you hear something enough - "it becomes a part of you and you start believing it!"  With that said, we'll say it again for all of YOU!  Thank you for always giving your TOTAL SUPPORT to our school community, for believing in us and for always GOING BIG for our young people!  We are a better school community because of our collective strengths and diversity!
Have a SUPER weekend and take care of yourselves and each other Hurricanes!