Hurricane "WEEKLY" Newsletter for September 11th - 15th, 2023

Happy Weekend you A-W-E-S-O-M-E HURRICANES!

Please find attached our Hurricane ‘WEEKLY’ Newsletter for September 11th – 15th, 2023 for some important updates and a look ahead!

Many of us are likely enjoying and appreciating this weekend more than previous this summer, given the exhausting, maybe emotional or exciting and of course tiring return-to-school transition this week!  Regardless of which one it was for you, we are so proud of everyone - our staff, students and parents/caregivers for your flexibility and positivity this week.  Each of you helped create a real sense for our young people of feeling safe, welcomed and happy!  Remember, our young people are more like “thermostats” and even though they are trying to learn independence and skills to regulate their emotions and identity, they react strongly to the context, community and culture that surrounds them.  On the other hand, we the adults must always strive to be the “thermostats,” the ones who despite the challenges and obstacles that we know always face us, work together to always “be that force” that creates a positive culture, rather than react to the deficits of our society.  In fact, of all the factors that positively influence student achievement in school from resources to classroom instruction, culture trumps them all!  So BE A THERMOSTAT Hurricanes!  As we approach our annual Terry Fox Memorial and celebration on Friday, September 29th, who better than he as a role model, to show us despite his young age and physical challenges, how to “proactively” rather than reactively make one of the biggest impacts on humans this world has ever seen!  So if you can’t be a thermometer, at least “BE LIKE TERRY” Hurricanes this 2023-2024 school-year!

We hope everyone appreciated our SNEAK-PEEK Days back in late August.  It was our attempt to reduce the anxiety that many children face with transitioning back to school and with all the new demands or changes in routine that entails.  Admittedly, it’s not only the children, it hits us too, the adults!  With that said, we know that some of our young people and families may still need some more time and support.  If so, please find attached some excellent resources and ideas from our W.C.D.S.B. Mental Health Services Team to help on this front.  And of course, don’t hesitate to contact your child’s educator if you need to talk.

Finally, this year’s theme for Catholic Education which culminates in the first week of May, is We are called to love, and was inspired by the following considerations:

  • With joyful anticipation of the Jubilee Year of 2025, we are inspired by Pope Francis announcing the theme of “Pilgrims of Hope.” With open hearts of love, we can continue to “fan the flame of hope” for a bright future.
  • On the fifth anniversary of Renewing the Promise, we celebrate that Catholic Education is centred on our Christian call to love. This love permeates how we live in the world and as we act with love, we build a better future. As Pope Francis stated in 2023, “He wants us to be artisans of a new history, weavers of hope, builders of the future, peacemakers.”
  • The theme of the synod, “Enlarge the Space of Your Tent,” invites us to listen in love, to be a healing presence to one another and to strengthen relationships.
  • In his visit to Canada last summer, Pope Francis gave us hope for our continued work for Truth and Reconciliation. Through prayer and a commitment to love, stronger bonds are forming and a new way forward is emerging.
  • Catholic Education Week comes at the same time as Mental Health Awareness Week. Through love and compassion, we continue to support each other’s wellbeing. God is love and we are always called to live out this love.
  • In our continued work for Equity and Inclusion in Catholic schools, a focus on love reminds us that all God’s children are loved unconditionally. 

So with this brand new school-year, we invite all Hurricanes to be weavers of hope, to be thermostats, to be like Terry and most importantly, in our 20th anniversary year – to be people of hope + faith + mercy + justice + joy = LOVE

Have a great weekend Hurricanes!  Take care of (or love) yourselves and each other!