Hurricane 'WEEKLY' Newsletter for June 19th - 23rd, 2023

Happy Saturday you A-W-E-S-O-M-E Hurricanes!
We're rounding 3rd base and heading down the home sttttrrreeetttccchhh!  This school-year has just gone by much too quickly!  Maybe we're having too much fun!
In anycase, please find attached our Hurricane 'WEEKLY' Newsletter for June 19th - 23rd, 2023 for the final dates and updates for the remaining of the school year.
Please find attached, an INFOGRAPHIC for parents.  The document contains information about programs and services available over the summer to support our elementary student's Mental Health and Wellbeing.
Also, for those families relient on busing for their children in September 2023, please find attached the Student Transportation Services June Newsletter for all kinds of information to download their app, subscribe to bus notifications and so much more.
We want to send out a massive Hurricane shout-out to our Hurricane Track & Field Athletes who had an outstanding showing at the Wellington Catholic Large Schools Competition at St. James Sports Fields this week!  We are so proud of you Hurricanes.  It was a great day and we loved that you exercise the 3 golden rules of sport; you TRIED YOUR BEST, ENCOURAGED OTHERS and NEVER GAVE UP!  Remember, "No one in the history of life, ever regretted just trying to do their best!"  In addition, we salute several of our staff who convened the event and as always, helped make-things-happen!  Mr. Schmalz, Mrs. Jackett, Mrs. Picanco, Mrs. Melehes, Mr. Kelly, Mr. DiBattista, and Mrs. Gibson - THANK YOU for being champion L-E-A-D-E-R-S!
We will be celebrating 10 years of elementary schooling with our Grade 8 Graduation on Wednesday, June 21st!  Congratulations Graduates of 2023 - you did it!  A reminder to families, that we have modified our start time of our Graduation Ceremony at St. John Church from 6pm to 5:30pm.  Therefore please arrive early in preparation for our 5:30pm start time.  Following the distribution of diplomas and awards at the parish, families will be invited to go to the school for some light snacks, our graduation video and the dance which will conclude the evening! (Parents, you need to leave for the dance, sorry :)  Too many staff have been involved in these students' lives to be listed here and in preparing this evening to make it a magical memory, which lends weight to the notion that "it really does takes a village to raise a child!"  Even so, a special thank you to Mr. DiBattista, Mrs. Gibson, Mr. Stafford and Mrs. DiCarlo for leading our Grade 8s all year and for being their biggest cheerleaders and teachers!  You know the song, c-e-l-e-b-r-a-t-e good times C-O-M-E- O-N!
Finally, we want to thank Mrs. Pizziola, Mrs. Picanco and Mrs. Story's Grade 1 students who led our school in a beautiful liturgical celebration of the Feast Day of the Holy Trinity this past week!  They did an amazing job helping our students understand our Faith and how the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit work together as one.  They even talked about the shape of a triangle which gives strength and connection to all things.  In that light, we know that the connection between HOME, SCHOOL and PARISH is vitally important in the education and development of our young people.  Never underestimate that importance with the attention and care it requires from us.  Think of it this way, can a chair ever work with just 2 legs?  Of course not!  We know we need at least 3 and more would even add increased stability.  So too, it goes in our lives.  We often try to stand on one or 2 legs.  And that might not gives us sustenance, stability or protection in life.  What legs do you put too much emphasis or your weight on in your life?  Which leg needs to be added or given more attention?  Whatever you decide, we know that the more value and attention we give to each leg (work, family, health, friendships, etc) the more purposeful our lives might become.  However, the one leg that often gets ignored is the leg of "F-A-I-T-H."  For many, when life becomes really difficult or challenging, faith is one that can make the biggest difference and bring all the other ones together in unity.  So too then, is God's desire for us.  He wants us to have and enjoy the full abundance and joys of life.  But when we overfocus or stand on one leg - whatever leg that might be, we might inadvertently might be preventing ourselves from doing that.  Bring FAITH back into your life and into the lives of your children.  It is a leg that they can truly rely on to help make all of their other legs stronger in their lives, especially when the road gets bumpy or they need to remember that they are loved.  Faith is like the spindles on a stool, that bind all the other legs together.   
Have a beautiful weekend Hurricanes, take care of yourselves and each other!  Remember, it's not about "getting a leg up on each other in life, it's about helping each other ON THE WAY TOGETHER!"