Hurricane 'WEEKLY' Newsletter for May 1st - 5th, 2023

Happy Saturday you A-W-E-S-O-M-E Hurricanes!

It’s a rainy weekend, so grab a hot beverage, a cozy place to sit and take a few minutes to read our attached Hurricane ‘WEEKLY’ Newsletter for May 1st – 5th, 2023.

This up & coming week is especially significant for us, as we celebrate the gift of building community and sharing values within a Catholic Educational environment.  We truly believe it is the cooperative effort of our staff, parents and students that helps prepare our young people not only for school and career pathways, but for the challenges and opportunities of LIFE itself!  The cumulative efforts and activities give our students a real sense of hope, purpose, balance, contentment and deep belief in themselves, others and the world around them.  What a gift!  We invite you to take a look at the details shared on this week’s newsletter as we have many things planned to help illuminate our school and the amazing people within it.  Families are also invited to an OPEN HOUSE on Thursday, May 4th from 3:30 – 4:30pm.  We would love it if you could join us!

In the spirit of Faith and Catholic Education, we extend best wishes to all of our Grade 2 students who will be receiving the Sacrament of Communion soon.  This past week, they spent a whole day at the St. Brigid’s student retreat center at the Ignatius Sacred Grounds in the north end of the city.  There, they participated in many activities to help them learn the many ways God can have a special part in their lives!  They enjoyed a pizza lunch together, a visit from Father Valentine, baking bread together, having some outdoor fun and spending time with their educators Mr. Plat, Mrs. Pizziola, and Mrs. Dixon!  Remember Hurricanes, “all things are possible through Christ who strengthens you!”  Always go with God!  

We also can’t wait to have Babarinde join us soon as you’ll be hearing hundreds of Hurricanes beating to the rhythm and sound of drums!  Babarinde will share how the custom and culture of drumming in his native country helped build community among the many members within it.  He will also take us through the courageous and beautiful story of St. Josephine Bakhita, the first black African saint.  And if that doesn’t bring us together, our students will be climbing off the walls when we welcome our community partners from the Guelph Grotto Climbing Rock/Wall Climbing Company!  It’s been a very busy year and everyone has worked hard, so getting some exercise and stretching out those muscles for a week will be another great way for us to strengthen our Hurricane friendships and celebrate our amazing community!  And don’t miss our Talent show!  There’s been a monumental amount of time and effort with auditions and rehearsals, but we’re ready to showcase the unique diversity and multitude of talents at H.T.  Parents and caregivers are welcome to join us!

Finally, our educators are busy planning year-end trips for our students, so stay tuned for information coming out about that soon.  Excitingly, on May 15th our Grade 8s will embark on their 4-day year-end Graduation trip to Montreal and Quebec City!  So lots of fun coming our way after a tough couple past years!  Thank you educators for all that you do to make our school a great place to learn and have FUN!

That’s it for now Hurricanes!  As we say to our students, there are 3 things that always help make a community even better; ENCOURAGE OTHERS, DO YOUR BEST and NEVER GIVE UP!  Thanks for always doing these 3 things, especially en-COURAGE-ing us – it always helps and motivates us to go BIGGER, reach HIGHER and be BRAVER! 

Take care of yourselves and each other!