Hurricane 'WEEKLY' Newsletter for December 23rd Edition, 2022

Good morning you awesome, generous and joyful Hurricane Family, Friends, Staff and Students!

We're sending out our Hurricane WEEKLY Newsletter December 23rd Edition early, because of the holidays.  We tried not to put too much information on there, as we know the primary focus for everyone at this point, is obviously the excitement in preparing for the holidays!

On that note, we just have one 2 simple things to say to all of you in our school community;  “Wow” and “Thanks!”  Our response from all of you and our staff to our Christmas Hamper Drive through St. Vincent DePaul was unbelievable really.  Your generosity and care for those in our community that need our support, says a lot of who you are and about our humanity in times of need.  As St. Francis says, “no amount of darkness can extinguish the light of a single candle.”  From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for shedding the light of Christ and Christmas on these families.  Hampers were picked up yesterday by the families.  Trust as when we say, that the expression of thanks on their faces really showed God's grace shining through! So we just wanted all of you to know... YOU DID A REALLY GOOD THING!

On another important note, the Wellington Catholic District School Board is opening registration for “NEW “ Year 1 or Year 2 Kindergarten students for  September 2023.  Registration begins January 9th.  Please read our attached WEEKLY Newsletter for more details or visit Help spread the word to other friends and family. We can't wait to welcome H.T.'s "Next Generation!"

One more reminder too, that Father Valentine would love to see Hurricane families come to the 5pm Christmas Eve mass on December 24th, 2022 @ St. John the Baptist Parish.  It's a special children's mass that will feature students from both Holy Trinity and St. John Catholic Schools singing in the choir.  In addition, there will be a very special visit from jolly St. Nick himself, along with some yummy treats provided by the St. James Hospitality Program!  So again, come and pray and celebrate Christmas with the community!  See attached poster for details!  All are welcome.

Finally, on behalf of Mrs. Smith and I, we wish every Hurricane student, staff and family a very restful, restorative and rejuvenating holiday, and of course, a very Merry Christmas!   We’ll see everyone in the New Year on January 9th, 2023!

"So God throws open the door of this world — and enters as a baby. As the most vulnerable imaginable. Because He wants unimaginable intimacy with you. What religion ever had a god that wanted such intimacy with us that He came with such vulnerability to us? What God ever came so tender we could touch Him? So fragile that we could break Him? So vulnerable that His bare, beating heart could be hurt? Only the One who loves you to death." Ann Voskamp

God bless,

Mr. Della Croce (P) and Mrs. Smith (VP)