Hurricane 'WEEKLY' Newsletter for November 28 - December 2, 2022

Good day Hurricane Family and Friends!
Please find attached, our Hurricane 'WEEKLY' Newsletter for November 28th - December 2nd, 2022.  Yup, we are already at December!
We had a great week celebrating KINDNESS WEEK and classes from Grade 1-8 have been learning about Bullying Prevention and Awareness strategies from our community Partners; John Howard Society.  We capped off our shortened week, with am energetic visit from Errol Lee, who spent time with every grade division in the school learning about CARE, RESPECT, FAITH, BUILDING A BETTER COMMUNITY, KINDNESS and BULLYING.  We sang, we danced, read stories and we even learned alot of sign language too!  Ask your children about it and they'll teach you the songs!  Also, please feel free to visit our twitter and facebook social media pages for all kinds of videos of our students and staff in action.  On that note, we are very grateful to our staff who are always so generous and flexible to allow for these fun learning opportunities to take place, even though they have alot of demands in their own classrooms.  Thank you Holy Trinity staff!
Attached, please make sure you find and go through the following documents;
Newsletter for Nov 28 - Dec 2
2. Holy Trinity Hamper Drive for Saint Vincent DePaul
3. Umbrella Project Trait of the Month for December
4. Unlearn Parent Night on Nov 30th (Virtual or In-person)
5. Tutors in the Classroom JOB POSTING
A reminder that there is no school, Friday November 25th for both elementary and secondary schools due to staff being involved in Spiritual Development Activities.
As Errol shared this week, a better COMMUNITY depends on each of us being committed to working on ourselves to be a better ME!  And the more kind, patient and caring we are for each other, the stronger we become as a WE!  As Errol put it, Holy Trinity is a strong, vibrant community and we GOT IT RIGHT!  However, everyone needs reminders from time-to-time to keep caring and celebrating all that is good, because its everyone's job to KEEP IT RIGHT.  In that kind of community - learning, laughter and joy flourishes.  It doesn't happen by accident- it's hard work.  Do you want to be part of the H.E.R.O. Club like our young people?  Do you want to live with more HONESTY, EMPATHY, RESPECT and OPTIMISM in your life?  Then you're in!!!  And we would love to have you...Remember, better ME + better WE = better COMMUNITY!
Have a fabulous long weekend Hurricanes, see everyone back at H.T. on Monday, November 28th!  Take care of yourselves and each other...