Hurricane 'WEEKLY' Newsletter Oct 31 - Nov 4 "Just Released!"

Happy Saturday you awesome Hurricanes!
Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weekend.  Isn't hard to believe that we have nearly completed 2 months of school?  Please find our Hurricane 'WEEKLY' Newsletter for October 31st - November 4th below.  Nevertheless, we are grateful for being back to in-person learning and our school has been so full of activity, learning and laughter.  Some examples include;
  • FOCUS ON NATURE visiting our Grade 5 classrooms teaching photography
  • GUELPH POLICE visiting Primary and Junior classes to conduct safety lessons
  • Various classes taking field trips to the RIVER RUN CENTER 
  • JOHN HOWARD SOCIETY teaching bullying prevention and strategies to all classes
  • SPORTS and TEAMS being offered to our Intermediate students
  • GUEST SPEAKERS such as Q-MACK for Orange Shirt Day
  • PROFESSOR JAMZ Dance-a-thon Fundraiser
  • COMMUNION and CONFIRMATION Sacraments for Grade 2 and 7 students
As we approach November, we remind you that this is the month of Remembrance.  November 1st is All SAINTS Day - we pray for those who have received God's eternal promise of salvation and are in heaven.  On Nov 2nd it is All SOULS Day - we remember the saints of the church and the special qualities they possessed and acts of conviction they displayed that we hope to emulate in our own lives.  And last but certainly not least, we pay honour and tribute to all those men and women who served and continue to serve our country in the fight for freedom on November 11th - REMEMBRANCE Day.  The Royal Canadian Legion has delivered our poppies and we will distribute them on November 11th - we will be collecting monetary donations (whatever you can afford) for these poppies and forward them to the legion.  Stay tuned for collection dates.  Parents are welcome to join our Remembrance Day Liturgy at 11:10am in our gymnasium.
And so during the month of November, we will offer a prayer of 'remembrance' or 'special intentions' everyday on our morning  announcements.  If you would like to, please click the LINK to share a name of a family member, friend or relative that has passed away, or needs a special prayer for strength, hope or comfort right now.  Again, each day for the month of November, our students and staff will pray for these special people in our lives and pray to God to send them our love, care and hope.
Finally, we want to thank our amazing staff of educators who have worked so hard to normalize things again this year and help students get back on a better track.  They are doing many things to illuminate our School Improvement and Equity Plan.  This includes 3 lens that we are focussed on.  BELIEVE - educating the soul and our faith everyday.  BELONG - creating multiple and diverse opportunities for our students to shine their strengths, gifts, and talents.  BE EXTRAORDINARY - help them become the best learners they can be!  There are several strategies we are investing in to achieve these;
  • INDIGENOUS EDUCATION - how we can learn truth, reconciliation and equity from our First Peoples?
  • Umbrella Project and Tools for Life - MENTAL HEALTH & SOCIO-EMOTIONAL REGULATION for our young people
  • MATHOLOGY and MATH-UP - consistency in core resources for numeracy
  • HEGGERTY, WORDS THEIR WAY, etc - consistency for core resources for literacy
  • GARDEN PROJECT - opportunities for added outdoor learning
  • MAKERSPACE - opportunities for experiential and hands-on learning 
And we thank you too, our parents.  We acknowledge that you are your child's 1st teacher, and we thank you for choosing Catholic Education and allowing us the privilege of serving and supporting the growth of your child(ren) cognitively, socially, emotionally, physically and most importantly, spiritually!  If you asked 100 parents what they would want most for their child in life, do you think their response would be wealth, grades, fame, power, etc?  Perhaps, but more often than not, most would likely respond with; A SENSE OF PURPOSE, HEALTH, VALUES,  HAPPINESS, or BELONGING.  So let us always remember this gift of faith and the very important work "we all do", to help our young people see the depth, breadth and beauty of life!
Have a wonderful weekend HURRICANES and Happy Halloween on Monday!
The Administratration and Staff of Holy Trinity!