Students to Move to Remote Learning on January 5

Today the provincial government announced that all schools will be moving to remote learning beginning January 5, 2022.  Wellington Catholic DSB families will be provided with additional information once it is available.

UPDATED: January 3, 2021

The provincial government has announced that schools across Ontario will move to remote learning beginning on January 5, 2022, this encompasses all students in Wellington Catholic DSB.  The province has indicated that students will remain in remote learning until at least January 17, 2022, subject to public health trends and operational considerations.

On January 5, 2022, students and parents are asked to look for instructions, learning tasks and scheduled information for the week that will be posted in the prior to 11:00 a.m. on their class D2L Brightspace page.  Schools will be providing additional information for students who may require technology or devices to participate in remote, virtual learning.

Families in the Wellington Catholic Virtual Elementary School will receive information directly from their principal tomorrow.   

Over the next few days, staff will also be connecting with families of students with special education needs to determine supports during this period of remote learning.  Students with complex special education needs who are unable to participate in remote learning may be eligible for in-person support. The provision of this support will begin Monday, January 10, 2022. 

Parents are asked to continue to notify their child’s school if their child will be absent from school during the period of remote learning. 

In the announcement today, the province also noted that emergency child care for identified essential workers, including health care workers and other eligible front line workers. It is anticipated that this will begin next week and further information will be made available by the provincial government. 

In addition to the news today, the province government has also updated its COVID-19 Screening Tool: We encourage to continue to use the COVID-19 screening tool on a daily basis and follow the guidance provided.  

Thank you for your attention to these items and your continued partnership throughout this school year. Your child’s school will be providing additional information as we transition back to school in the coming days.